Results for 'V. K. Larionova'

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  1. Etyka absoli︠u︡tu S.L. Franka: monohrafii︠a︡.V. K. Larionova - 1996 - Kyïv: Firma "VIPOL".
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    Frequency Effects on Spelling Error Recognition: An ERP Study.Ekaterina V. Larionova & Olga V. Martynova - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Spelling errors are ubiquitous in all writing systems. Most studies exploring spelling errors focused on the phonological plausibility of errors. However, unlike typical pseudohomophones, spelling errors occur in naturally produced written language. We investigated the time course of recognition of the most frequent orthographic errors in Russian and the effect of word frequency on this process. During event-related potentials recording, 26 native Russian speakers silently read high-frequency correctly spelled words, low-frequency correctly spelled words, high-frequency words with errors, and low-frequency words (...)
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    Fractal computer visualization in psychological research.Emma I. Meshcheryakova & Anastasia V. Larionova - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (1):121-133.
  4. Prostranstvo v strukture mira.V. K. Potemkin, A. L. Simanov & Alekseæi Trofimovich Moskalenko - 1990 - Novosibirsk: "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by A. L. Simanov & A. T. Moskalenko.
  5.  33
    S. K. Sazena, Aesthetical Essays: Studies in Aesthetics, Hindustani Music and Kathak Dance.V. K. Chari - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 42 (1):105-118.
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  6. Istorii︠a︡ v nasheĭ zhizni.V. K. Egorov - 1990 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  7. Metamorfozy artistizma: problema artistizma v russkoĭ kulʹture pervoĭ treti XX veka: sbornik stateĭ.V. K. Kantor (ed.) - 1997 - Moskva: "RIK,".
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  8. Chelovek i obshchestvo: k probleme gumanizat︠s︡ii sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskogo myshlenii︠a︡.V. K. Pukhlikov - 1990 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by B. A. Glinskiĭ.
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    "Krushenie kumirov", ili, Odolenie soblaznov: stanovlenie filosofskogo prostranstva v Rossii.V. K. Kantor - 2011 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
    Книга является едва ли не первой попыткой отрефлектировать, как происходило становление философского самосознания в России.
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    Posredi vremen, ili Karta moeĭ pami︠a︡ti: literaturno-filosofskie opyty (zhiznʹ v raznykh srezakh).V. K. Kantor - 2015 - Moskva: T︠S︡entr gumanitarnykh init︠s︡iativ.
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  11. Kreativnoe vzaimodeĭstvie predmetnogo, normativnogo i refleksivnogo znanii︠a︡ v nauchnom poiske.V. K. Lukashevich - 2019 - Minsk: "Belaruskai︠a︡ navuka".
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  12. Modeli i metod modelirovanii︠a︡ v chelovecheskoĭ dei︠a︡telʹnosti.V. K. Lukashevich - 1983 - Minsk: "Nauka i tekhnika". Edited by L. V. Uvarov.
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  13. Filosofii︠a︡ religii i ee istoricheskie formy: antichnostʹ - konet︠s︡ XVIII v.V. K. Shokhin - 2010 - Moskva: Alʹfa-M.
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  14. Revisiting the Maxim-Law Dynamic in the Light of Kant’s Theory of Action.V. K. Radhakrishnan - 2019 - Kantian Journal 38 (2):45-72.
    A stable classification of practical principles into mutually exclusive types is foundational to Kant’s moral theory. Yet, other than a few brief hints on the distinction between maxims and laws, he does not provide any elaborate discussion on the classification and the types of practical principles in his works. This has led Onora O’Neill and Lewis Beck to reinterpret Kant’s classification of practical principles in a way that would clarify the conceptual connection between maxims and laws. In this paper I (...)
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    The structure and formation of dislocation networks in aluminium-magnesium alloys.V. K. Lindroos & H. M. Miekk-Oja - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (141):593-610.
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  16. Rationality, argumentation and embarrassment: A study of four logical alternatives (catuṣkoṭi) in buddhist logic.V. K. Bharadwaja - 1984 - Philosophy East and West 34 (3):303-319.
  17.  65
    Should intellectual property be disseminated by "forwarding" rejected letters without permission?V. K. Gupta - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (4):243-246.
    Substantive scientific letter writing is a cost-effective mode of complementing observational and experimental research. The value of such philosophically uncommitted and unsponsored well-balanced scientific activity has been relegated. Critical letter writing entails the abilities to: maintain rational scepticism; refuse to conform in order to explain data; persist in keeping common sense centre-stage; exercise logic to evaluate the biological significance of mathematical figures, including statistics, and the ability to sustain the will to share insights regarding disease mechanisms on an ostensibly lower (...)
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    Reflections on the varieties of hypnotizables: A commentary on Terhune and Cardeña.V. K. Kumar - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):1151-1153.
    This commentary reflects on the varieties of high hypnotizable subjects suggested in the works by Barber, Barrett, Pekala and colleagues, and Terhune and Cardeña . These different studies point to the existence of different types of low, medium, and high hypnotizable subjects. However, types of high hypnotizables have received the most attention. Two main concerns are raised in this commentary: drawing parallels between the suggested typologies is not without problems given methodological differences among different studies, and the low base rates (...)
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    Vladimir alexandrovich Smirnov as a founder of research schools in logic and methodology of science in the USSR and russia.V. K. Finn - 2000 - Studia Logica 66 (2):205-213.
    The article gives a short account of V.A. Smirnovs scientific biography, including his work in Tomsk University in Siberia and in the Department of Logic of the Institute of Philosophy in Moscow.
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    Validity in interpretation: Some indian views.V. K. Chari - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 36 (3):329-340.
  21.  35
    Knitting of dislocation networks by means of stress-induced climb in an aluminium-magnesium alloy.V. K. Lindroos & H. M. Miekk-oja - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (145):119-133.
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    Stress-induced knitting of dislocation networks with four-fold nodes in an aluminium-magnesium alloy.V. K. Lindroos & H. M. Miekk-oja - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (164):329-340.
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    The indian theory of suggestion (dhvani).V. K. Chari - 1977 - Philosophy East and West 27 (4):391-399.
  24. A theory of tarka sentences.V. K. Bharadwaja - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (4):532-546.
  25.  10
    Filosofii︠a︡ chuvstv: informat︠s︡ionnai︠a︡ kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡.V. K. Bakshutov - 1996 - Ekaterinburg: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, Uralʹskoe otd-nie, T︠S︡entr. nauch. biblioteka.
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    Filosfii︠a︡ istorii: binarnai︠a︡ paradigma.V. K. Bakshutov - 2003 - Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Uralʹskog universiteta.
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    Dei︠a︡telʹnostno-fenomenologicheskai︠a︡ programma razvitii︠a︡ nauki: monografii︠a︡.V. K. Baturin - 2004 - Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dalʹnevostochnogo universiteta.
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    Section Introduction.V. K. Belozerov, B. N. Kashnikov, A. D. Kumankov, Kh E. Marinosyan & A. V. Soloviev - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (1):7-12.
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  29. Aparigraha.V. K. Bharadwaja - 1999 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 26:277-278.
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  30. Biswas, Goutam: Art as Dialogue: Essays in Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience.V. K. Bharadwaja - 2000 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1/2):205-205.
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    Implication and entailment in navya-nyāya logic.V. K. Bharadwaja - 1987 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 15 (2):149-154.
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    Language, culture and the law: the formulation of legal concepts across systems and cultures.V. K. Bhatia, Christopher Candlin & Paola Evangelisti Allori (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The volume presents a set of invited papers based on analyses of legal discourse drawn from a number of international contexts where often the English language ...
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  33. Logic of the nyaya anumana.V. K. BharadwaJA - 1980 - In Surendra Sheodas Barlingay, Kalidas Bhattacharya & K. J. Shah, Philosophy, theory and action. Poona: Continental Prakashan for Prof. S.S. Barlingay Felicitation Committee. pp. 61.
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  34. RS: Kaushal's Structural Analogies in Understanding Nature.V. K. Bharadvaj - 2005 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1/2).
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  35. Sankaracaryas' Argument From Sruti.V. K. Bharadvaja - 2001 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 28 (2):201-214.
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    Tarka and implication.V. K. Bharadwaj - 1977 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 5 (1):91-102.
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    The jaina conception of tarka.V. K. Bharadwaja - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 31 (4):501-505.
  38. The Jaina Concept of Logic.V. K. Bharadwaja - 1982 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 9 (4):363-375.
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  39. Women families and the future. Sexual relationships and marriage worldwide.[Fact sheet].V. K. Burbank, C. Williamson, S. Engelbrecht, M. Lambrick, E. J. van Rensburg, R. Wood, W. Bredell, A. L. Williamson, D. J. Barthlow & P. F. Horan - 1995 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 23 (1):33-46.
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    A reply to Dale Riepe.V. K. Chari - 1977 - Philosophy East and West 27 (4):407-408.
  41.  85
    Poetic emotions and poetic semantics.V. K. Chari - 1976 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (3):287-299.
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    The nature of poetic truth: Some indian views.V. K. Chari - 1979 - British Journal of Aesthetics 19 (3):213-223.
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    Whitman in the Light of Vedantic Mysticism: An Interpretation.V. K. Chari - 1976 - University of Nebraska Press.
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    Ėlementarnye modeli zagadochnykh i︠a︡vleniĭ Prirody: filosofii︠a︡ Prirody.V. K. Dedkov - 2007 - Moskva: Nii Ks. Edited by V. A. Menʹshikov.
  45. Filosofii︠a︡ kulʹtury Rossii: kontury i problemy.V. K. Egorov - 2002 - Moskva: Izd-vo RAGS.
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  46. World peace and indian heritage.V. K. Hampiholi - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri, In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 2--413.
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    Precipitation associated with the climb ofa⟨100⟩ dislocations in a low-carbon iron-vanadium alloy.V. K. Heikkinen & T. J. Hakkarainen - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (1):237-240.
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    Nonspreading wave packets in quantum mechanics.V. K. Ignatovich - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (7-8):565-571.
    In this paper a nonspreading, unnormalizable wave packet satisfying the Schrödinger equation is constructed. A modification of the Schrödinger equation is considered which allows the normalization of the wave packet. The case is generalized for relativistic mechanics.
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  49. Ėstetika N. G. Chernyshevskogo.V. K. Ikov - 1929 - Moskva,: Izd-vo Assot︠s︡iat︠s︡ii khudozhnikov revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii.
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    Beyond the limits of the brain as a physical system.V. K. Jirsa & J. A. S. Kelso - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):405-406.
    Nunez's description of the brain as a medium capable of wave propagation has provided some fundamental insights into its dynamics. This approach soon reaches the descriptive limits of the brain as a physical system, however. We point out some biological constraints which differentiate the brain from physical systems and we elaborate on its consequences for future research.
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